Lessons from Beyond, the first installment of the Lessons from Beyond book series, is a compilation of true stories told by people who have loved and lost someone unforgettable. Each storyteller celebrates the life of a remarkable person who influenced them and changed their life forever. Even after death, the life lessons learned from these extraordinary people continue to resonate with the ones left behind. Here is your chance to benefit from the lessons that others have learned and apply it to your own life! What better way to honor a loved one's memory than to share their remarkable gifts and lessons? The stories in this book will move you and leave you spellbound.
About The Author
Daven Michaels is a prominent music and television producer who has worked with a variety of well-known artists and musicians. He has been responsible for the success of numerous recording artists and many well known movie soundtracks. Today, Daven spends most of his time producing music and television, speaking and sharing the many 'Lessons from Beyond.'
About The Process
Ever since Daven conceived of the idea for the book it has, in every sense, taken on a life of its own. He says, "I don't really consider myself to be the writer of this book, merely the messenger. I lost my father a few years ago and for me that event was life-changing. Until my Dad died I had always thought that my strongest attributes were the ones I'd inherited from my mother. But when my father passed away it was as if he had stepped into me. My dad was a master storyteller. One of the many priceless 'Lessons from Beyond' that he passed on to me was that just like music, a story that continues to be told, is recorded in the soul of its listener forever. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and feel his presence; all the while remembering the life lessons he instilled in me. Those lessons continue to inspire me. My greatest hero is still with me, always guiding my spirit with his 'Lessons from Beyond.'
Daven was sure there were others whose lives were still being touched by lost loved ones. "There are so many stories to be told." "My intent is to simply listen, discover and share." My hope is that readers will tap into the universality of these stories, continue telling them and thereby find themselves remembering their greatest heroes, the ones they've loved and lost. To see Daven live click here.